• Home Nursing & Diabetic Counselling

    KPJ Home Nursing and Diabetic Counselling provide services that necessitate home health nursing, a nursing specialty in which nurses provide comprehensive home care to patients of all ages. Furthermore, diabetic counselling helps us to recognize and work through difficulties with a skilled therapist.

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    Nursing care provided to a person in their own home. A family member or a friend may give care. Home nursing is distinguished from HOME CARE SERVICES offered by professionals, such as a visiting nurse, home health companies, hospitals, or other organized community groups. By bringing nursing care to your doorstep, you can also save the hassle, cost of travelling and skip long queues at hospitals and clinics depending on how severe the cases are. Home nursing care inclusive of wound dressing, post-natal & new born visits and others.


    As for Diabetes Counselling, the team consists of Specialist Nurses (with Post-Basic in Diabetes Management) to provide counselling, diet management, wound care management as well as medication education to diabetic patients. It is important to learn how to manage diabetes symptoms, reading glucose level or even how to use insulin whether it is for yourself or for your loved ones in order to avoid further complications and emergencies.

    Package Inclusive of: 

    • Diabetic Screening 
    • Diet Counselling 
    • Insulin Injection
    • Medication advise 
    • Foot Assessment