• Our Doctors

    We are dedicated to being the preferred provider of care, with innovative use of technology,
    experienced doctors and well-trained staff who collaborate to offer the best diagnosis and treatment plans.

    Dr. Mohd Ridzwan Yusof

    M.D (UKM)

    Master of Medicine Surgery (USM)

    Urology Fellow Australia

    FRCS Urol. (Glasgow)


    KPJ Kajang Specialist Hospital

    Location: SUITE 5
    Type: Resident Doctor
    Tel: 03-8769 2999 ext. 2869

    Education & Fellowship

    M.D (UKM)

    Master of Medicine Surgery (USM)

    Urology Fellow Australia

    FRCS Urol. (Glasgow)

    Medical Registration No. 28023
    National Registration No. 124087

    Malay & English