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What Is Ptosis?
Ptosis (pronounced TOE-sis) is the medical term for drooping eyelids. A person with ptosis is not able to lift one or both upper eyelids to uncover the eye completely.
Many people want to correct ptosis because it damages their appearance. In most cases, the sagging upper eyelid results in a loss of the superior (upper) field of vision. In severe cases, ptosis may be present at birth and, if left untreated, can permanently damage vision by forcing the unaffected eye to do all the work while letting the affected eye degenerate.
Causes of ptosis:
For acquired or levator dehiscence ptosis, the doctor must first determine the cause of the problem. If ptosis is a result of muscle or nerve disease, the doctor will begin by treating the disease first. If a tumour is the cause, it can sometimes be removed. In some cases, the doctor may suggest surgery. This operation is the same one surgeons use for congenital ptosis: shortening the levator muscle or connecting it to the muscles of the brow.
What To Expect
Initially the eyelids are often bruised and swollen. This can take up to 2 - 3 weeks to completely clear up. It is often too early to judge the final outcome immediately after surgery, although every attempt is made to achieve the best cosmetic outcome for each individual.
An ectropion is where part or all of the lower eyelid turns outwards away from the eye. There are various causes but the most common cause is simply an ageing effect of the eyelid that occurs in some older people. An operation can usually cure the problem.
What is the cause of an ectropion?
What is the treatment for an ectropion?
The usual treatment is an operation to 'tighten' the skin and muscles around the eyelid. Treatment usually works well. The best results are obtained if the condition has not become too severe. More extensive plastic surgery may be needed in severe cases.
If you cannot shut your eye properly, whilst awaiting an operation you may be prescribed some lubricating eye ointment to help protect the cornea. You may also be advised to tape the lower and upper eyelids together overnight to protect your cornea when you are asleep.
If your ectropion causes watery eyes, when wiping your eyelids do it in a direction up and in (toward the nose). This prevents you from pulling the eyelid downward and making the ectropion worse. Oculoplasty
What causes an entropion?
What is the treatment for an entropion?
If you have a condition which is unlikely to recover by itself, you will be offered surgery. A small operation is performed to turn the eyelid back to its normal position. This stops the eyelashes from rubbing on the eye. The operation is usually successful and prevents any further damage to the front of the eye.
Blepharoplasty and dermatochalasis – the main way to cure it
What is dermatochalasis?
A condition which is characterized by upper eyelids or lower eyelids in some cases, becomes droopy due to an excess amount of skin being present in the concerned region.
What exactly is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure used to modify he eyelid in a way so that the excess skin tissue ( dermatochalasis ) is completely removed and or repositioned. The muscles around your eye are then reinforced to make sure it is strong enough to hold the surrounding tissue and support the tissue lose.
What is the procedure for Blepharoplasty for dermatochalasis?
The surgery is almost always done from the outside. It is started by doing clean incisions in the lines of the eyelids and just above in upper eyelids and below the eye lashes on the lower lid. In doing this they provide the best possible way to remove the excess fat from the eyelid without leaving a visible scar.