• Our Services

    What is Cataract

    Cataract is the opacity in the lens of the eye. The normal lens is transparent and allows light to reach the retina. When it becomes opaque (not transparent) light does not reach the retina and the patient is unable to see clearly. Cataract is the most common cause of blindness in our country.

    When Does Cataract Require Removal

    With modern technique, the surgery can be carried out at any of the cataract's development. If the visual impairment affected one's daily activities such as driving, reading or working, then it is the right time to consider surgery.

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    The healthy lens produces a sharp and clear image

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    Clear Vision

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    The cloudy lens causes light to scatter and produces a hazy, washed out image

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    Phaco with the Foldable IOL Implantation

    • Phacoemulsification refers to modern cataract surgery in which the eye's internal lens is emulsified with an ultrasonic handpiece, and aspirated from the eye.
    • A microprocessor controlled Phacoemulsification 'PHACO' machine with tiny ultrasonic probe is used to remove cataract and to insert the foldable lens implant through the smallest possible opening in the eye.
    • PHACO uses ultrasound energy to liquefy lens and suck it out with a titanium probe vibrating forty thousand times a second.
    • The minute incision is sling and needs no suture of stitch to close it.
    • The patient is back to normal activities within a few days, including attending office or even doing heavy manual work.
    There are few choices of lens such us :

    • Monofocal
    • Multifocal (near or Distance)
    • Toric / Multifocal (Near/Distance/Astigmatism)

    Benefit PHACO Surgery

    • Return home within hours from the procedures
    • Fast recovery of vision in a matter of days instead of weeks or even months
    • Minimal restriction of activities i,e. normal household, recreational and even occupational activities may be resumed within a week
    • No bandage, no dark glasses, no restrictions and no precautions
    • Reduces the chance of surgically induces astigmatism
    • No wound or suture related compilation
    • Less inflammation after the surgery.